Our school has always kept in mind the need of forming good learners by providing opportunities to bring out their leadership qualities. Every year elections are organized and formed the school council. The entire School is divided into four houses and is named after M.Teresa, Bhagat Singh, Dr.Kalam Ms. Kalpana. House wise competitions are held on a regular basis. To develop creative skills and inculcate the spirit of competitions, we organize various competitions such as Song, Dance, Art Craft, Science Quiz, Mathematics Quiz, Mehandi, Diya making, Fancy Dress, Calligraphy etc. There are regular classes in Music and Art Craft by the trained teachers proved to be a great boon in this regard.
Every year The Annual Sports Meet is held in school campus with a colorful opening ceremony. Respected dignitaries are invited as the Chief Guest of the day and they declared the meet open. The colorful and skilled march past of athletes are the entire of attraction of the day. Many of our young athletes prove their talents in the track and field events like heats, relay, long jump etc. Medals and trophies are given to the winners by our beloved Chairman. More over regular Yoga, gymnastics, skating and karate classes are held in order to nurture the health of the students. Indigenous sports like Kho-Kho and kabbadi are the routine part of our school. These sports begged many prizes at various levels.
CCTV security systems help in preventing or identifying unauthorized intruders who enter the premises, thereby promoting school security. Keeping track of remote entrances and exits is easier through CCTV cameras. CCTV surveillance systems can keep track of housekeeping and ensure they are doing their work. CCTV security systems help organize exit in case of emergencies. School security measure to protect school property and identify perpetrators and vandals.
In times of power interruption, schools with generators for only emergency functions are forced to close down. When power loss occurs during the day, children are already present in the buildings and coordinating with parents to pick their children up early can be a logistical nightmare. A generator that is capable of keeping the school fully powered can help the school stay in session until the end of the regularly scheduled day and even keep the facilities open for days to come if need be.
Smart class empowered the teacher with well researched, mapped to curriculum digital modules which he/she could project right in the classrooms to elucidate and explain concepts. Really it empowered the teaching and inspires learning for the entire class room. It improves the teacher s effectiveness and productivity in the class. It brings abstract and difficult curriculum concepts to life inside classroom. It makes learning an enjoyable experience for students. It also enables teachers to instantly assess and evaluate the learning achieved by their students in class.
In order to foster the reading habits of the children, of late a well furnished library was established. The books are on wide range of topics catering to the needs of the students. The school is maintained a good collection of books consisting of Novels, Dramas, Fiction, One Act Play, Auto-biographies, Poetry, Scientific, Literature, Reference Books and religious literature etc.There are more than 2200 books in different languages and on different subjects.
This is era is belongs to the computer technology. We live in a fast changing world. Technology induced changes and crumbling travels barriers have thrown up new opportunities. So in this new paradigm, every student is provided with an opportunity to learn computer. With this intension in mind, most advanced computers are installed. Students are imparted computer knowledge right from the class 1st.
There is fleets of buses are engaged for the to and fro of the pupil which are arranged by parents. Entire Mansa city and around 20 km of the area is covered in this transport system.